Monday, February 13, 2006

Suds and Duds

Here I am hard at work, doing my best to qualify for "Husband of the Year". Check out the cool outfit. In this picture I am styling the hard-to-find Santa Claus pajama pants. You definitely don't want to splash the detergent on your jeans, you know what I'm saying? I am a pro, having had years of experience of soapy hands. My parents had two dishwashers. They were named Keith(ie) and Bobby. We fought every night over who got to do what. Dry or wash. It always ended up with suds flying about the kitchen and Mom hollering, "Keith (referring to my dad), you need to put down the paper and get in here and separate the boys." Dad's reply was something like "ughyyeahmmm". He wasn't a masterful communicator when reading the newspaper. Great memories.


Bethany said...

You really are obsessed with your iPod, aren't you? I wish my husband would get one.

Keith said...

I encourage everyone to purchase an iPod.