Finally, I'm back home. I've spent way too much time traveling the last few weeks. It was a fantastic trip, though! I'll be updating you on everything that went on in the next couple of days. Of course, I took my camera and, of course, I forgot to dig it out of my luggage, so check out Jon Plank's blog,, for some pics of the week. He took them with his cell phone, so they aren't the highest quality. However, you can still get a sense of what's going on.
It is so nice to be back with my family again. Last night Doran and Diane had a party for all the kids in the church, so Lori and I dropped off our little gremlins and went out to eat. As we were sitting in Outback it hit us that we hadn't had a date by ourselves since June. Pathetic! It was nice getting caught up on everything in Nampa and filling her in on my trip.
I'm off to the studio this morning. I have to fix a few lines on the new Liberty CD, "There's a Testimony", and then record some background vocals for Doran's piano CD. I hope you have a Happy Halloween, a Happy Harvest, or whatever you call today.