Sunday, February 12, 2006

probably the weirdest personal picture I will ever post on the blog

I messed up my ankle pretty bad this past Thursday evening playing basketball. It doesn't really hurt that much, but the ankle is still swollen and my whole leg pops a lot when I walk. I apologize for the graphic content of this post, but it looks pretty nasty (not to mention has featured several colors including purple, green, yellow, black, red, and blue) and I just had to share with someone besides Lori, who is not impressed.


Bethany said...

In the words of Shallow have a cankle. You know, where your calf turns into your ankle :)

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain! You have my sympathy. Both of my ankles have looked like that a couple of times, and it really hurts!

Anonymous said...

hah! that's a really weird pic. keith! do u mind if i call u Cankle Keith?!

Carrie said...

Keith, you are so weird. May I ask if you took that picture yourself?

Anonymous said...

Carrie - he is a little weird and of course, he did take the picture of his foot!!!!

Carrie said...

Lori, I just can't imagine how he got his foot twisted around to get a decent picture of it. He must have been seriously determined to post that picture!