Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Media Moment

Daniel Mount over at Southern Gospel Blog featured an interview with me on his site today. We had a chance to sit down and shoot the breeze for about an hour or so two weeks ago. Daniel was in Boise speaking at the annual Biblical Worldview Conference. I first met Daniel at NQC this past fall. I've enjoyed reading his commentary on Southern Gospel music for the past couple of years. We both seem to share an appreciation for the same Southern Gospel groups. Anyway, I was honored to be interviewed by Daniel.

Check it out and post a comment about how good-looking I am.


Anonymous said...

Awesome interview. I really enjoyed it. I do beg to differ with you about something. The song, A Place Where the Hungry are Fed was from the 1985 album Live: Better in Person. You know me, a die hard Kingsmen fan. I do love the Kingsmen.

Anonymous said...

Wow! God changed my schedule this morning so that I could finish reading the interview. I loved it! I am so glad that I have had the opportunity to get to know you, Doran,Dan, and Royce. To have Royce send the card that we received recently only reinforces what God layed on my heart the first evening that Liberty came into my life. Heartfelt thanks. Shelby