Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Dan and I took time to pose in downtown Reno. I love the expression on the face of the guy passing Dan. Trust me, if his gut is sticking out like that, then there's another part of his body (appropriately edited) that is going the other direction. Hence, the passerby's look of horrified disgust.


Anonymous said...

bah ahaahhahahahaha ahahahahahaha ahahahahha ahahahaha.....ha! (that was me laughing H-Y-S-T-E-R-I-C-A-L-L-Y) what i'm about to say next, i know i've said before. but, this is by far the most disturbing, yet odly hysterical, picture i have ever seen!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh, just thought i'd clear this up, i meant that the picture of dan was that disturbing one. you look alright in your pose keith, but the face expression is a little akward. i'm really not sure what to think about it.