Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Cindy and Jesse

As this hug of Jesse would suggest, Cindy Sheehan has finally gone over the cliff of sanity, free-falling into the cavernous depths of the Democratic Party's madness. She joins fellow radicals Harry Reid, Michael Moore, Charles Schumer, and Joe Biden in the desolate desert of insignificance and irrelevance.

This is one news story that the media is running into the ground.


Anonymous said...

I think that is actually a photo of Sheehan at a '96 StarWars Convention, hugging Billy Dee Williams, the actor who played Lando Calrissian. You right-wingers can't get your facts straight. Why do you have to demonize such a noble woman?

Anonymous said...

Is that Carlton that I see in the background? It looks to me that he is the person holding the worst President ever poster.

Jon Plank said...

I see Kevin Moser's video camera also.