Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Trey enjoyed pelting me with snowballs. In fact, we had nearly an hour-long snowball fight. It was great! I have never got to the point where I'm too mature to pick up snow and test it for "packing" quality. As soon as it snows, I have to check it out. There are few activities that produce a more satisfying result that the resulting "thwack" of a thrown snowball.

We used to have some great snowball battles at Frankfort Covenant Academy back in the day. We had loosely affiliated teams, but it usually resulted in the traitorous act of deluging your teammate with snow. It turned into a survival of the fittest.

One of my favorite memories of an FCA snowball fight included my good friend, Jonathan. Usually, Jonathan and I were on the same team, which didn't always sit well with some of the others, particularly Stacy Griffin. Well, in this battle (which was conducted to the side of the school which didn't have windows; we weren't allowed to have snowball fights) accusations began to fly from the Griffin twins that Jonathan was throwing "iceballs", a blatant violation of the rules of engagement. When a person on one team is accused of cheating, the other team justifies the fact that they should be able to cheat, and it just snowballs from there (I know, that was pretty bad).

Well, Tracy distracted Jon from the front while Stacy came up behind him. I was watching this whole thing play out and for the life of me can't remember why I didn't warn Jonathan. Stacy had a two-foot wide section of ice in her hand that had to be an inch or more thick. She brought that down over the top of Jonathan's head as hard as she could. The sound was sickening. Kids 20 yards away stopped what they were doing, having heard the crack. To his credit, Jonathan handled it well. After screaming violently at Stacy and attempting to plant her face in the blacktop, he ran off to the nearest mirror to see if his head was bleeding.

It ended that snowball fight. As I remember, Stacy was pretty proud of herself. "Well, that'll teach him not to throw iceballs. I'm sick and tired of him always cheating." She threw back her head and marched into the school, as self-justified as you can be.

Great days.

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