Monday, December 05, 2005

Christmas Lights to the Max

Check out this link:

This guy has produced one of the most forwarded video clips of the 2005 Christmas season. This is one of the most impressive light shows I have witnessed. I was just over at somebody's house this past weekend and we were debating whether or not this was for real. Come to find out, the guy is from Cincinnati. He broadcasts a few different songs using a low-frequency FM transmitter, that way people driving past can listen to the music along with the lightshow (thanks, Carlton, for the newsclip). I just wonder what his neighbors think about it. I'm sure it was cool the first night, but after that it's time to bring out the shotgun.

Be sure to watch this clip with your speakers on.


Anonymous said...

This is definitely for real...the paper had a big write up about him yesterday. The neighbors say they don't mind and he says he'll quit if they or the sheriff's department ask him too. We'd like to go but the wait is apparently very long. It's his hobby...maybe you and Dave should consider it!!!!

Anonymous said...

WHOA! Haha that is awsome. I havn't been able to visit your blog since I left nampa so I was reading through and thats AWSOME!! haha..