Friday, September 30, 2005

Blake Ryland Bishop

Two days ago, a Bishop entered the world! Philip and Dorcas Bishop, close friends of Lori and I, had their first child, a son. Blake Ryland Bishop arrived on Wednesday at 12:06 PM. Now as you can tell, he gets his looks from his mama. I traveled with Phil for 3 years in quartet, and I'm telling you, he never looked that good. I just hope for the sake of Dorcas that he takes after her. I always told Phil that God was going to repay him for his ornery ways.

For those who don't know Phil all that well he comes across as a mix of cherub and Sunday School Charlie. As a person who traveled with Phil for several years, I can tell you that you need to get that idea out of your head ASAP! He's a prankster with a droll (very corny, OK) sense of humor. In fact, in the future I'll throw out some random quartet stories, many of them starring Phil.

Phil and Dorcas moved into the apartment above us our last year at GBS. Trey was 1 and a half when they moved in. At this point in his life, Trey had a hard time getting to sleep. It involved much crying and screaming. It was a major struggle to get him to settle down. Well, Phil figured out at what time Trey went to sleep in the evening. On this particular occasion, we had an awful time getting Trey to bed. Finally, he drifted off to sleep...for about 10 minutes. Phil purposefully, started at one end of the house and headed to the other end running pell-mell, stomping as loudly as he could. I'm sure to Trey it sounded as if we were being bombed. He jolted awake, and began screaming at the top of his little lungs. I could hear Phil's wheezing laugh upstairs. What a weasel!

The Bible says that the sin of the fathers passes down to the 4th generation. Phil is in for some major trouble:-)

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