Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Songs I Love to Hate

Speaking of music, are there any songs that you dislike with a passion?

Here's my list:

I'm Pressing (Dad led this song way too much back in the day)
Achy Break Heart (try to get that song out of your head the rest of the day)
Don't Worry, Be Happy
B-I-N-G-O (thanks to my kids' insatiable desire to sing it again)
Louie, Louie (by the Kingsmen, not the Kingsmen that you are thinking of)
I Wonder as I Wander (the most dreary song of the season)
...and anything by Michael Jackson

What's your list?


Anonymous said...

how about Michael Finnigan, he grew whiskers on his chin-igan.
That was one song, when my kids were growing up, they sang and I hated

Tamra said...

Can't remember the name of the Christmas song where "the guy meets his old lover in a grocery store" and they "drank a toast to innocence". What a drag! It should be banned from the airwaves, especially during Christmas! Have you heard this one?
P.S. Tell Lori we said hello!

Shanna Locker said...

"McCarthur" Park by Richard Harris has to be the worst song in history followed by, "I Am, I Said" by Neil Diamond - who knew chairs had ears?!? Christine would say her least favorite song is, "I Am Woman" by Helen Reddy. "Mandy" by Barry Manilow - or nearly anything by Barry for that matter - ranks right up there. I could think of so many more but I'd run out of room.
Fun topic Keith, Shanna

Char said...

Right now the song I despise is "Santa Baby" -- just writing it makes me cringe!! After that would be "Father Abraham" -- that one puts me on a soapbox every time!!
Then there was the one Marsha taught the boys years ago about a bunny hopping through the forest and bopping the field mice on their heads...whatever! Oh how about "I love love me..."

Keith said...

Yeah, Char I hate the Barney song too. Especially when that nasally-twanged stupid-looking purple creature intones it.

You know, I hate a lot of the songs you guys mentioned.

Julie Waggoner said...

How about "Santa Clause is comin' to town" by Bruce Springstein??? Everytime it comes on the radio I cringe and find myself lifting my head a bit to try and get him on tune! Also Jeff and I for some reason(I think it's the title)have a hard time with "Who is He in Yonder Stall??? Why did they take that one line and make it the title---makes the whole song ugly.
Julie W
P.S. do you remember the library record that Jody used to check out that had--"My Name is Eddie, My name is Eddie Levine"? It repeated itself but changed the pronunciation of Levine. People would get soooo mad when we started singing it because you could not get the stupid thing off your mind once it was there!!!! The song made no sense at all.

Keith said...

I totally forgot about that Eddie Levine song. That had to be the most irritating song to adults back in the day. It was fun to sing, though.

Stephanie said...

How about "I Feel Like Traveling On?" Who cares if you feel like it or not - just DO IT!!!!!

And, definitely, the song Tamra mentioned - it was one of the first ones I thought of too! YUCK! Pull it off the radio!

Keith said...

Stephanie, I agree with "I Feel Like Traveling On". Hate it. It's one of those songs in the hymnal that I refuse to lead.

Anonymous said...

How about "Trust and Obey". The words are fine, but man, can it drag!