Monday, September 12, 2005

Morning Person

Kassady definitely takes after me in the morning. She's all bright, cheerful, and chirpy upon waking up. When Lori and I first got married, we had to compromise. I'm a morning person. Early to bed, early to rise is my mantra. Whereas, Lori's idea of early to bed is early morning (such as 1:30 AM or so). We have finally reached that happy medium, where I go to bed at 11:00 PM and she wakes up at 7:30 AM.

When we were dating and traveling for GBS (choir and band), I learned not to talk to her before 9:30 AM. She had the early-morning personality of a saber-tooth tiger. When we would have those 4:30 AM leave times (remember the Alabama to Florida trip, children?), the only people awake and conversing were Deanna Wolf and myself. I do believe we caused many students to lose their sanctification. The carnal spirit many times showed it's ugly head during those wee hours of the morn.

Of course, I must admit that I have the personality of a brick wall after 10:30 in the evening. A befuddled, drooling brick wall. Lori has learned to never share anything important with me once I am laying in the bed. I'm out!

Kassady definitely is an early riser. She wakes up whistling "Zippity-Doo-Dah" and telling hilarious jokes that only she can understand and laugh at. Her jolly nature comes shining through.

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