Saturday, March 29, 2008


We're somewhere around Dallas, TX right now. Just rolling down the highway. We just finished a delicious Italian dinner with Bud and Nancy, Dan's inlaws. Yesterday, while Dan was fellowshipping with Bud, Nancy, and Donna (who made it down for the visit), Royce, Doran, and I headed to LA Fitness to play a little racquetball. I've been playing since Christmas and I love it. I'm no good, but I love it. Last night, Royce took 3 games, I took 2 and we ended up playing about 2 hours. We were whipped by the time we got out of there. That's what I like about the sport: it makes cardio fun. Today Doran killed us in bowling. He's good. Who knew?

Last week was one of those family memory-making weeks. Trey was on spring break, so we did all kinds of stuff. We went to the Discovery Center in Boise, saw "Horton Hears a Who", played at PoJos, and went 4-wheeling with Pastor Dave, William, and David. Actually, just Trey accompanied me on that expedition. I have a ton of pictures to upload, but unfortunately my very slow connection is going to force me to postpone that 'til next week. So, I'll get to it. Maybe. We're in the studio all week recording a new album. Phil Cross is flying in to produce this one. That's always fun.

Hope your week went well.


Shanna Locker said...

It sounds like Spring Break was fun for you guys, that's great. I have also found that if you find the right exercise, one you really enjoy, it's not 'exercise' at all. I swim 6 morning a week at Gold's Gym and love it more each week - I'm into my 3rd month.
I'll be praying that all goes smoothly in the studio this week and that you have a good time with Phil.
Blessings, ~Shanna~

Anonymous said...

I wish I knew which you check the most often, your blog or your e-mail. Mostly at this moment, I am praying that my former supervisor was in attendance this morning or on her way to your concert tonight(Sunday). She was so used of God to help me after the plane crash to minister to me. I will always be grateful to God for her as I am for Liberty since the time that I first met you all. (Can you get more southern than that expression?) I do know that this summer I need to spend more time making contacts for Liberty and getting you all in the places where I know people that just have to hear Liberty. Shelby

Shanna Locker said...

Yes Shelby, you can get more 'suthrn' than that, just replace 'you all' with 'y'all'

Carrie said...

This is our boys' Spring Break and we were hoping to get to see Horton Hears a Who, too!

Have a safe trip!

Keith said...

You gotta check out Horton, Carrie. It's one of my favorite animated films ever. The kids will love it.

Hey, Shelby. Did your former supervisor make it? If so, I didn't get a chance to talk to her.

OK, so long y'all.