Wednesday, February 14, 2007

New from the director of 24, a conservative comedy


Carrie said...

Hey, good to see you back!

Beth and Jeremy Glass said...

That's great. I'm wanting one of those t-shirts.

I like the way they look like a legitimate news cast. Kind of like our news cast "interviewing" your dad, "Rush Limbaugh".

Bryan and Marsha said...

Keith, you are no fun! Why not? Lori would!?! (this is in response to what you said)

Anonymous said...

keith, i thought i missed a ton of stuff of your blogging life since i haven't visited your site for so long, but it turns out i missed nothing. it's the exact same since i last saw. you gotta get on the ball man, you're slacking off. it's ok though, i won't judge you..........peace out.

ps. i made varsity for softball.