Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Uno is not for the faint of heart

The other night after Grace Teens, a bunch of us played speed UNO. Probably, many of you have played different versions of speed UNO, but this particular variation was crazy. Not only did it involve beating each other to laying down a card, but it also included the switching hands option, the 2 silence rule, the accumulative rule, and a lot of other crazy things that were new to me. It took Ashley a little while to catch on. Here I shove many cards towards the recipient of 4 "Draw 4"s.


Bethany said...

Is that a urine sample beside you?

Keith said...

I knew that someone was going to comment about that. It's a new drink called Mountain Dew. You might have heard of it. It looks brown in bad lighting.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!! Urine! Thats too funny.
Looks like you had an exciting game going on there! Man do I miss youth!!


Anonymous said...

Mountain Dew in pour lighting? Good one keith. too bad that's the lamest excuse i've ever heard in my young life. it definitly has the similar features of urine.NASTY!!!!!!!!!!