Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Final

Last night we went over to Royce and Tammy's house to watch the NCAA Championship game. What a great game! Actually, it was one of the sloppiest basketball games I've ever witnessed. It doesn't matter, though. Florida won.

Now, I can care less about Florida's team. They mean nothing to me. They're not from Indiana, they're not from Ohio, and they're a long ways from Idaho. So, I don't root for them on a normal basis. The thing is, though, I had to cheer for them this year. Royce and I had been talking a lot of smack back and forth during the tournament, and unfortunately for me and my big mouth, his team made it into the final game. There was no way I was going to give him the satisfaction of cheering for UCLA, so I was stuck on the Gator side.

We watched the first half and then, for some reason, Royce lost all interest in the game. At least I won't have to listen to him rant and rave about his team for the next couple of weeks.


Bethany said...

I couldn't cheer for Florida because of that one guy's hairdo. It was too much.

Keith said...

He da' man. You probably don't like Guy Penrod's hair, either.