Friday, April 07, 2006

Catching Up

Well, after a long break, I'm on the road again. We arrived in Elko, NV a little bit early, so I'm killing a some time before we go set up. We're about 300 yards from a Wal-Mart so Doran and I ran over there to stock up on food items for the bus. Who knew they made Chex mix in a "Turtle" flavor? Good stuff! Try it.

By the way, I got a message from Jonathan this afternoon. Dale has walked about 300 feet today and was able to eat a little breakfast and dinner. Also, great news! It looks like both of his kidneys are operating normally. God is good. This whole thing is a miracle! Keep praying for Dale, though. I don't know much about this kind of stuff, but I know that he still has a long road to full recovery ahead of him.

We just got our instrumental tracks back from Nashville for two of our upcoming albums. We're going to be recording a song I wrote, "Great Day", on our June project. It's pretty cool to hear Nashville musicians take your idea and expand on it (which is a good thing, if you ask Chuck). I was impressed.

I don't know when I'm going to have a chance to update this thing, so I'll at least have something by Tuesday.


Anonymous said...

Turtle flavor?! that's disgusting! i think i just threw up a little in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

Who is Chuck, so I can ask him?

Anonymous said...

"Great Day" is copyright material by "Allegiance." No group will ever be able to perform a better version of this song - period!